October is Economic and Community Development Month
We welcomed back Junior Rotarian Addy Bauknecht. She reports that the entire school body is basking in championship football glory!
Today's Program: The Haven
From the beginning, it was evident that Michael has a passion for helping those in need. His story, on the Lakeshore, involves the creation and nurturing of this critical ministry for men known as
The Haven.
Now in its ninth year, it grew out of a continuing community need for a men’s shelter. Its problem solving approach works to address, not just the homelessness, but the underlying issues leading to homelessness.
The Haven’s approach is multi-faceted and includes advocacy for opportunities at a community level and the building of foundational life skills (at an individual level).
Program practices strive to reduce barriers for admission to the program and its services. Limitations on space and funding cap the capacity at 20 residents
With housing costs on the rise, permanent placement remains a challenge in our community.
A strong aftercare program continues the connection with The Haven and its support serving to keep the recurrence rate low. One recent participant in the program said:
“The Haven program was exactly what I needed. With the help of this program I was able to secure employment, save money and build the confidence I needed to gain independence. At the shelter, I lived with and worked alongside other homeless men who faced similar circumstances and developed a rapport with many of them. In three months I was able to pay down debt, construct a financial budget and afford an apartment as well as many other needs to get started on my own.
“Since my discharge from The Haven, my job is going great, my recovery of six months is going strong, my bills are manageable, and I continue to make good and responsible decisions for my future.”
Ongoing support is needed…from supplies to volunteers to dollars with a number of annual events conducted to raise awareness and money in support of the mission.
Michael Etheridge closed by saying, “People need a break to know what they are worth”.
Club Operations
Multiple members have stepped up to meet our service opportunities…Thank you!
📰 Check the program schedule for your next chance to contribute to meeting programming. An email communication will be sent to all members listing the program schedule with plans to send out specific chair responsibilities monthly.
🖐 Rotary Club of Two Rivers Committee List. Please review the structure and consider the opportunities. The plan is to engage committee chairs early. A menu of opportunities will be distributed at each meeting for member consideration. We need everyone to take an active role to complete our many projects.
Club Communications Role. We are actively looking for someone to take over Brian's role. Please contact us if you are interested.
Notable needs remain and include:
- Membership Committee
- RI Foundation coordinator
- Social Committee
- Easter Bags
Club Events / Service Opportunities
🍎Applefest 2022 may be done, but it has left behind many happy memories. Here are just a few fun photos from the day.
🏎 Road Rally 2022 debrief. Road Rally 2022 is in the books. Comments included “well done” and “fun”. Eighteen (18) cars with forty-five (45) participants explored the backroads of Manitowoc County punctuated by reported barn quilt sightings that ranged from six (6) to twenty-two (22). A recruiting call was raised to build on the “buzz” for Road Rally 2023.
Here are a few great pictures from the Road Rally event!
🇺🇦Ukrainian Storytelling Project... Building on the remarkable story of Rotarian Barry Nelson, the Club plans to build upon interest in a broader community story-telling initiative. This project will include representation from the Wisconsin Ukrainian group providing awareness and support for the needs of the Ukrainian people. Colleen I. will represent our Club in the planning process.
🍽 🚗 Meals on Wheels, November 7-11. An invitation has been extended to our members and sign ups are live. This is your last chance for 2022. Monday, Wednesday and Friday have openings.
☮️ Peace Pole Project Completion Dedication this month! Our winning 2022-23 District Grant concept is for a Peace Pole project at the Two Rivers High School. Upon completion, the pole will allow students to gather, reflect, and find peace. It will be part of a larger Rotary peace initiative.
- The concrete has been poured and the pole will soon be in place!
- Project should be completed in October
- The Peace Pole parts and plaque have now arrived
- A document is being prepared to help plan for promotion and public relations for our Club
- Contact Betty B. or Michael D. to volunteer
- The plan is to have this completed by the time the snow flies. Let’s hope for a late start to winter!
Get the Community Back in our Schools is an opportunity for our Club to build student connections as school gets back into session.
- A reminder that the capital improvement referendum is on the 11/8 election ballot. Additional information is available on the district’s website – both true and transparent.
💐2022 Rose Sale. The 30th Annual Hunters Rose Sale is fast approaching. The cost of the Rose tickets is $20.00 each. Please let Lori Z. know no later than October 30th if you are interested in purchasing Rose tickets and how many you would like. You have the choice of paying cash or to be billed. You will need to let Lori know your preference for billing. You can choose to pay cash or be billed with this option too. There is also an opportunity to just make a donation (in lieu of selling Roses) to the Rose sale as well - any amount is up to you. However, the Club cost for a dozen roses is $10.99…just sayin’
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Rose Sale at the Piggly Wiggly from 3:00 - 7:00 pm on both Thursday and Friday, November 17th and 18th. Shifts are one hour long.
Paper signups will be made available at all meetings for those who prefer the hard copy approach.
News you can use. Central Park West 365 Fundraiser at Port Sandy Bay (10/19) with 15% of sales donated to the park project. TRMS Wine Walk on October 28th…a warmup for the next day’s business trick or treat “walk”.
Looking ahead, Salvation Army Bell Ringing will take place at Piggly Wiggly Friday, December 16 from 9am - 7pm. A sign up list is coming soon! Kim Henning is the chair for that event.
Adopt-a-Family 2022. Diane Johnson is coordinating the effort!
Exclusive Member Sale: Bands on the Beach Beer. Proceeds will prime the pump for next year’s event. Look for an upcoming communication with details.
And, looking way ahead. Interest was expressed in creating a Rotary Float as a highlight of the 2022 Christmas Parade. This would be a fine idea to kick off our Club’s Centennial Year! Concepts were raised that incorporated such Club themes as “promoting peace on earth” and “making a difference in Two Rivers for 100 years”. An exploratory committee is being explored (or floated). 🎅🏻 🎄
💵 Happy Bucks is a way to share and celebrate member news with others, including "quips and quotes" about their experiences from the past week. Shout outs were given to
- Road Rally kudos and Haven Bucks ($25 match challenge) highlighted the exchange.
October Club Member Birthdays
Stanley Palmer (10/22) 🎂
Jean Andrews (10/28) 🎂
Rotary Anniversaries
Jeff Zimmerlee (17 years) ⚙️
Brian Jensen (29 years) ⚙️
Jim Lester (57 years!) ⚙️
⏭ Next week’s program Michael Ditmer who has invited Nancy Nabak Communications and Development Coordinator, Woodland Dunes
2021-22 Board Members:
President: Michael Ditmer
President-Elect: Tim Schroeder
Secretary: Deborah Brotcke
Treasurer: Jeff Zimmerlee
Past President: Steve Denzien
Members at large: Brenda Georgenson and Kim Henning