November is Rotary Foundation Month
This week’s greeter was Chris Eggert-Rosenthal
Our newest Junior Rotarian, Sophia E., was introduced to the Club. A true “renaissance” student, Sophia has interests in art and music and is challenged with a host of advanced academic coursework. She also swims competitively nine months of the year.
The Club was informed of the recent death of Bill Gruetzmacher. Bill was a longtime member of our Club and very involved in our Youth Exchange program. He also planted the “seeds” for our very successful annual fundraising dinner.
Today's Program: Two Rivers High School
Tim Engh, Principal of
Two Rivers High School, is in his third year on the Two Rivers leg of his “principal tour” of the state. He brings over 20 years of work with kids in a variety of leadership roles.
In Two Rivers, Tim found a dedicated learning community with a caring and compassionate staff and students.
The learning community at TRHS is composed of 550 students and a staff of 70, including 46 full time teachers. His overarching goal is to prepare students for a successful life journey.
The performance beyond a successful sports program has been driven by the adoption of professional learning communities. This is a department level initiative designed to align the curriculum and goals among members. TRHS also uses inclusive academic practices by supporting the teaching staff with in-class specialists. Other innovative programs described include:
- ACT prep, a 20 week structured program with benchmark testing and remediation to address the specific needs identified. Testing takeaways have resulted in increasing scores that are bringing TRHS students to a performance level greater than or equal to their peers throughout the state.
- Advanced course offerings…increasing the link to college level coursework in partnership with UW-GB (Rising Phoenix). This is in addition to the 20 college level courses taught by TRHS staff for credit. Uptake has increased from 200 to 1500 college credits over the past three (3) years. The value of these programs is estimated at $70,000 per participating student.
- Work-based learning/Youth Apprenticeship Program…providing earned credit for structured work experience. Three hundred (300) employers in Manitowoc County work with forty (40) students.
Indeed, Tim and staff have worked to “Raise the Bar” for our students!
Club Operations
The Club needs you! Although many members have stepped up to fill roles, a few roles remain, including a need for a Club Communications officer. Instruction and mentorship is available if you’re interested!
Manitowoc Sunrise Rotary members will host another Veteran's Breakfast at Felician Village at 7am on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The cost is $12 per person. Veterans dine for free. The board has decided to cancel our general meeting for that day so that you and a guest may attend! The cost of your breakfast will be covered by the club! We are looking forward to having breakfast together and honoring those who made so many sacrifices to protect our freedoms by serving our country.
The 30th Annual Hunters Rose Sale is fast approaching. The cost of the rose tickets is $20.00 each. Please let Lori Z. know no later than October 30th if you are interested in purchasing rose tickets and how many you would like. You may pay cash or be billed. Let Lori know your preference. You may also make a donation in lieu of selling roses. Any amount will be accepted. However, the Club cost for a dozen roses is $10.99…just sayin’.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Rose Sale at the Piggly Wiggly from 3:00 - 7:00 pm on both Thursday and Friday, November 17th and 18th. Shifts are one hour long.
Paper signups will be made available at all meetings (for those that prefer the hard copy approach).
District Grant (2022-23): The Peace Pole project at the Two Rivers High School will be dedicated on Thursday, November 17th at 10am. Saturday’s work resulted in the building of the planter. It's looking nice!
Meals on Wheels sign-ups for November 7-11th will be your last chance to volunteer for this program in 2022.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing will take place at Piggly Wiggly Friday, December 16 from 9am - 7pm. A sign up list is coming soon! Kim Henning is the chair for that event.
Diane Johnson is coordinating the Adopt-a-Family 2022 effort. She has identified a family that includes three (3) students and a single mom. She is getting their wants and needs together with a signup forthcoming.
Sponge Bob, the Musical will be playing the second weekend of November. Early reviews revealed an amazing, talented group of students.
Exclusive Member Sale: Bands on the Beach Beer. Proceeds will prime the pump for next year’s event. Look for an upcoming communication with details.
PolioPlus Society. Rotary District 6270 is excited to announce the start of the PolioPlus Society in our district. This is a district program to recognize those Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends of Rotary, who have pledged to give at least $100 annually to the PolioPlus Fund of The Rotary Foundation, until the wild poliovirus is no longer endemic around the world. The goal of this PolioPlus Society is to raise awareness and provide recognition for Rotary’s goal of eliminating the disease from the planet.
Happy Bucks is an opportunity for each member to share personal “quips and quotes.” Kudos to the Schools were extended.
November Club Member Birthdays
Dennis Swetlik (11/10) 🎂
Jim Lester (11/13) 🎂
Steve Denzien (11/18) 🎂
Steve Romero (11/18) 🎂
Tim Schroeder (11/27) 🎂
Rotary Anniversaries
Lauretta Krcma-Olson (33 years) ⚙️
⏭ Next week’s greeter is Bob Gahl. Veterans Breakfast will replace the regularly scheduled meeting.