May 9, 2023 Meeting Report
Meeting Minutes Two Rivers Rotary Club Tuesday, May 9, 2023
The meeting of the Two Rivers Rotary Club was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at the Cool City Brewing Company and via Zoom. The following members were present: [List the names of the attendees].
The meeting commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance and recitation of the 4-Way Test.
Welcome and Announcements:
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
- Betty Bittner's birthday is on May 16. Happy birthday, Betty!
Junior Rotarian(s) today:
- Shaidyn White was recognized as the Junior Rotarian for this meeting.
Program Chair List 2022-23:
- The Program Chair list for the 2022-23 term was discussed. Please refer to the provided list for the details.
Scheduled Speaker:
- Unfortunately, John Durbrow, our scheduled speaker, was unable to attend the meeting.
Club Operations:
Sundae Thursday Volunteers:
- Eight volunteers are needed for Sundae Thursday on June 22, from 5:30 to 8:30. We require ice cream servers and line monitors. A sign-up sheet will be circulated soon. Signage for the event will be available, and new aprons are on their way.
Annual Dinner and Project 365:
- The Annual Dinner was a success and raised $19,000, which is more than enough to complete our pledge toward Project 365.
- Mike provided an update on the 365 project, stating that it is on track for completion in June.
Peace Pole Project:
- The Peace Pole Project has been completed, surpassing the fundraising goal of $3,000 by $497.68.
- Deborah and Betty submitted the final report on May 10, 2023, which was approved.
- To finalize the project, the club needs to purchase sod to place around the perimeter of the concrete.
Ivy Tunnel Planting and Weeding:
- Volunteers are needed to plant more plants and weed at Ivy Tunnel.
- Dennis led a team of volunteers, including Wendy, Erin, and Michael. Thank you to the volunteers for their efforts.
Report on 100-year Celebration:
- Ongoing plans for the 100-year celebration were discussed.
Applefest Planning:
- The Applefest committee is meeting on Wednesdays at CCB at 4 pm to continue planning.
- Many volunteers are needed for this significant activity.
Annual By-laws Review:
- The annual review of the By-laws will be conducted at the next Board meeting.
Raider Reporter Article:
- The Raider Reporter article is due on May 26.
- Deborah will send the compiled information from Diane.
- Lori and Dennis submitted overviews of Easter Bags and Badger Girls.
End of Year Picnic:
- The End of Year Picnic is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, in Central Park.
- Colleen and Wendy are leading the celebration.
Discussion on Increasing Dues:
- Members discussed the proposal to increase dues by $25 quarterly.
- Past instances of similar increases were reviewed, such as the mandatory $8.50 breakfast at the Light House Inn.
- Concerns were raised about the affordability for some members.
- Possible solutions include finding a venue that does not charge and changing the meeting day.
- A committee comprising Lisa, Chris, and Peter was formed to explore all options and report back to the club.
Fifth Tuesday Plans:
- Wendy will send out a flyer with all the information regarding the upcoming