April 11, 2023 Meeting Report
Meeting Minutes - Rotary Club of Two Rivers
Date: April 11, 2023 Location: Two Rivers High School and via Zoom
The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and the recitation of the 4-Way Test. The attendees welcomed the guests and acknowledged the birthdays and anniversaries, including Michael's birthday on April 12 and Lori Zimney's 4th anniversary as a member. Madison Gessell is the Junior Rotarian of the month.
The program for the day was presented by Abbey Abbott, Director at Hope House. She spoke about the shelter that serves families, adult couples, and single women. She also discussed the entrance requirements and the mission and vision of the shelter. She highlighted the common barriers to housing and the urgent need for volunteers and additional funding sources. She provided details on how volunteers can interact with guests, and how individuals and the club can support Hope House. Members were encouraged to visit the website for more information.
The club operations were discussed, including the upcoming programs, need for chairs or members of committees, and any board or foundation meeting reports. Annual Dinner Update and Applefest planning were also discussed. The need to start contacting vendors for the Applefest was emphasized, and it was suggested to use another service club to help with the planning. The District Grant Ideas were also discussed, and it was reported that Betty, Deborah, and Dennis are writing the next grant.
The completion of the Peace Pole Project was also discussed, and it was noted that the planter needs to be lined and filled with dirt, with plants expected to be planted by the end of May. Ryan at Green Acres Landscaping was identified as a possible source for the dirt.
The Club Events and Service Opportunities were discussed, including the sign-up for Meals on Wheels and the Optimists Club's April 25 class on how to use epi-pens. Members were encouraged to sign up and participate in these events.
The next program chair and greeter were identified, and it was announced that the Parks and Rec director from Two Rivers would be the guest at the next meeting.