September 7, 2021 Meeting Highlights

Read our latest club updates about last week's social, the TREP School Supply Drive, new members, fundraising efforts and more!



We continue to improve the format of our hybrid meetings. The club is now using new devices to enhance our sight and sound experience for those accessing meetings remotely. 

Board of Directors Report/Actions

Meeting Logistics 

Delta COVID precautions have forced a decision in our meeting venue.  Starting next week (9/14), meetings will be held at the Lighthouse Inn. Doors will open by 6:50am with hot coffee available (I assume that cups will be made available as well). A club member communication announcing this change will be sent in advance of the upcoming meeting.

Last Week's Social at Kurtz's

A good time was had by all who attended last week's social gathering at Kurtz's Pub & Deli. Locations for socials will continue to rotate, sharing the wealth and good cheer.

Thanks to the MOW volunteers

…next up is December.

Debrief on Celebrate Two Rivers

With over $2,000 in sales, the event was deemed a success.

A final, final report of the TREP School Supply Drive

Over 2,400 items were distributed.  Thanks to Lori Zimney for her leadership!

May be an image of 4 people

Website/Social Media Report

Lisa shared that 48 “likes” were noted from this week’s pic posting of the TREP Supply Drive on our club's Facebook Page.  

Todd placed a “call for content” to flesh out our developing web site, helping to tell our Club’s story. In addition to the weekly meeting minutes/recap, a need to present our history was expressed.

New member report

Approval and orientation status: Chris Eggert-Rosenthal was officially welcomed back into our Club!

Club Events/Service Opportunities
Signups are provided in the binder

Major Club Fundraising event to fulfill our WD commitment of $12,000
An outdoor "garden party" concept scheduled for September 11th is taking shape. A fundraiser page is set for viewing and action on the Still Bend website!  Registration is underway with cross-promotion opportunities abounding.  Silent auction items are being solicited with experiential items preferred.  Michael Ditmer reports that we are in “good shape” with an expected attendance in excess of 60.  This will yield ticketed revenue in the $6-7,000 range. An active auction should add to the cause. A final call for volunteer staff to tend the bar and facilitate the serving was placed (4:30pm-9:30pm).
Road Rally plans
The October 9th event is on the right track with a final destination to be determined. Invites will be out shortly. Raffle items are still needed, specifically two filled baskets.  Please let Debra know of your interest and ability to supply.
Honorary Paul Harris Award Update
The recommendation was made to continue the recognition of an individual from our community with an Honorary Paul Harris award.  The selection process will be coordinated by our board with input from membership.  The presentation will likely be made at our annual dinner.

District Activities

Grant plans to apply our successful $3,000 grant award with a site selection and construction report
Foundation report
Happy Bucks (Member News)
The opportunity is given for each member to share their personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week. 
  • Lisa Van Lanen shared the news of her father-in-law's 90th birthday dance (with many more to come).  
  • Peter Crabbe noted his 32nd wedding anniversary.
  • Michael Ditmer proudly announced that Still Bend is being featured in “The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals” show on Netflix.  
  • Finally, Steve expressed appreciation for the Club’s fortitude over the past 18 months.
Birthday/Anniversary Report
Birthdays: Lisa Van Lanen (9/26)

Looking ahead…

Next week’s program:

Two Rivers Public Schools with a special guest host.

Reminder:  Read your Rotarian and Visit our Club’s website…every member, every week.