September 14 Meeting Report
Two Rivers
P.O. Box 272
Two Rivers, WI 54241-0272
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Business Meeting Agenda
September 14th, 2021
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month. 2021-22 RI President Shekhar Mehta - using the Theme, Serve To Change Lives. Lisa Werner is our District Governor 2021-2022.
Pledge of Allegiance; 4-way Test recited collectively.
Today’s Greeter –
Welcome/Announcements – Guest host…Betty Bittner
Hybrid meeting format review (sight/sound check)…new devices are now in place to enhance our sight and sound experience.
Guest(s) – next week will mark the return of our Junior Rotarians
Communication(s) – a thank you was shared from our technical scholarship winner
Program: Two Rivers Public Schools – Tim Wester (Principal, LB Clarke and District leader) reported on actions from this week’s school board meeting.
COVID plans for 2021-22 will include weekly assessments with applications of a mask use metric. Each week, the numbers will be assessed from data gathered and students/staff will mask (or not mask) per school the next week dependent on the prior week’s numbers. The results are to be published on Facebook, included in school newsletters, and reported through Skyward each Friday such that parents and students will know the masking decision for the next week. The intent is to use data to make an apolitical decision.
Grading Guidelines were outlined for LB Clarke students with an emphasis on achievement in academic knowledge and skills. Behaviors can and should be reported separately. Equity in grading is achieved through use of these grading structures. Once again, this approach uses objective data to diffuse an increasingly political issue.
Club Operations
Board of Directors Report/Actions
Meeting logistics…from food to forum – back at the Inn.
Debrief of the Garden Party – financial/operational report was provided. An amazing fundraiser (and party), the Club anticipates an eventual $10,000 net. Still Bend was the star, with the majority of attendees drawn from out-of-town guests. Appreciation was expressed for all this that made this event such an outstanding success. Posting of pics has occurred on our Club’s facebook page.
Website/Social Media Report – Todd placed a “call for content” to flesh out our developing web site…helping to tell our Club’s story. In addition to the weekly meeting minutes/recap, a need to present our history was expressed.
New member report
Club Events/Service Opportunities – Signups are provided in the binder
Road Rally plans – October 9th…updates from planning meeting. The event is on the right track with the final destination a part of the journey. Invites will be out shortly. Our Club’s raffle item commitment has been achieved…thanks to Debra B. and those that have provided baskets!
Rose Sale plans are underway with leadership provided by Lori Z.
District Activities
Grant plans to apply our successful $3000 grant award with a site selection and construction report…awaiting installation details (possibly November?)
World Polio Day…October 24th
Foundation report – our Club’s Woodland Dunes commitment has been fulfilled through Garden Party raised funds and our Club coffers.
Happy Bucks (Member News) - The opportunity is given for each member to share their personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week.
Praise and appreciation was expressed (in a monetary way) for all those than made the Garden Party a success!
Birthday/Anniversary Report – Birthdays: Lisa Van Lanen (9/26) Anniversaries: none to speak of
Looking ahead…
Next week’s program: Chair is Tim Wester
Reminder: Read your Rotarian and Visit our Club’s website…every member, every week.
2021-22 Board Members:
President: Steve Denzien
President-Elect: TBD
Secretary: Colleen Inman
Treasurer: Jeff Zimmerlee
Past President: Betty Bittner
Members at large: Betty Bittner, Jeff Zimmerlee, Steve Romero