October 26 2021 Meeting Report
Read our latest club updates about Rotary Honors, the upcoming Wayzgoose event with the Hamilton Wood Type & Print Museum, World Polio Day, and much more!
October is Economic and Community Development month.
2021-22 RI President Shekhar Mehta - using the Theme, Serve To Change Lives.
Lisa Werner is our District Governor 2021-2022.
Today's Program

Now in its 13th year, Wayzgoose has grown to become an international celebration and educational conference right here in river city.
Peter Crabbe, director of the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, in his introduction to Wayzgoose, provided a time travel experience exploring a way of life and the origins of the Wayzgoose event.
Using the unique assets of the Hamilton Museum's equipment and people, this conference provides a blend of theory and practice over more than 2 days and shows how our past feeds the present. Once more, this year’s Wayzgoose and workshops will be presented online, allowing us to share the Hamilton experience far beyond the city of Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
"We look forward to bringing together a gaggle of attendees who work in (or just love!) type, letterpress printing, papermaking, book arts, wood engraving, calligraphy, graphic design, and the history of printing," Peter said.
Club Operations
- The next Board of Directors Report/Actions meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10/27
- Our meeting logistics are changing once more! Our weekly meetings going forward will be held at the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, 1816 10th Street, Two Rivers.
- Do you have any ideas for the Spring Annual Dinner? This is the time for recipient concepts to be raised and vetted.
Club Events/Service Opportunities
Signups are provided in the binder
- World Polio Day is October 24th. A Rotary video was shown to provide perspective on the impact of Rotary in eradicating polio. Implications for the COVID response are readily apparent: “the health of the people is related to everybody.”
- Grant plans to apply our successful $3000 grant award for installation of an Ivy Tunnel. The Club heard a report from the recent “painting party” at the VDB Arboretum. Next up is the assembly of the structure calling for a group of eight needed to be scheduled within the next month. Finally, is the preparation and planting of the ivy is to be determined. All of this work is considered “light,” but willing hands are needed for completion. Please contact Jim Lester with your intent to help!
- Rose Sale. Roses will be distributed on Thursday, Nov. 18 and Friday, November19 and volunteers are needed. A signup has been prepared, both on our site and in the binder. Tickets were distributed with plenty available for our “overachievers.”
- Looking Ahead:
- Veterans Breakfast meeting
- Adopt-a-family plan
District Activities
- Environmental Days of Service. Reporting of our efforts to the District authorities
- Foundation report. Our Club’s Woodland Dunes commitment has been fulfilled through Garden Party raised funds and our Club coffers. The next Foundation board meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday at 4pm.
Member News
- Happy Bucks. Each member was invited share a personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week.
- Birthday/Anniversary Report.
- Birthdays: Stanley Palmer (10/22); Jean Andrews (10/28 – pending a successful landing)
- Anniversaries: Jeff Zimmerlee (16 yrs); Brian Jensen (28 yrs); and Jim Lester (56 yrs).
Looking ahead…
- Next week’s program: TR Schools
- Future program idea – web site primer
Reminder: Read your Rotarian and Visit our Club’s website…every member, every week.