October 25, 2022 Meeting Report
Nancy Nabak shared her love and enthusiasm for the Woodland Dunes Nature Center and Preserve in today's meeting. She's the Communications and Development Coordinator for the Preserve. (Photograph: Lester Public Library)
October is Economic and Community Development Month
🎃 We welcomed back Junior Rotarian Addy Bauknecht. Everyone's getting ready to celebrate the tricks and treats of Halloween!
Today's Program: Woodland Dunes
Program Chair Michael Ditmer invited Nancy Nabak, Communications and Development Coordinator, at Woodland Dunes Nature Center and Preserve.
Nancy shared her passion (and a video) for the Woodland Dune experience: “just nature being nature”.
The preserve’s unique “ridge and swale” ecosystem has global significance and an impact far beyond the here and now. Its reach regularly extends out to a five (5) county region attracting students and nature enthusiasts.
Woodland Dunes is also known for its amazing bird population. World-wide interest surges with each sighting of a new feathered visitor.
The economic impact of bird watching activities alone to our community is estimated at $800,000 annually. The educational, social and ecological value, however, is much greater.
The preserve has future plans to reduce its carbon footprint with solar and geothermal capabilities. Trail enhancements will allow greater access to the features of this special place.
As a completely private enterprise, Nancy concluded “Everything we do depends on your support.” The Rotary Club of Two Rivers, both individuals and as a Club, has long supported the Preserve’s mission as it nears its 50th Anniversary in 2024.
Dunes Blast Closing Video from Michael Ditmer on Vimeo.
Club Operations
The Club needs you! Although many members have stepped up to fill roles, a few roles remain, including a need for a Club Communications officer. Instruction and mentorship is available if you’re interested!
The Rotary Club of Two Rivers Foundation received some recent donations. A joint meeting is planned at Wednesday’s regularly scheduled board meeting.
Manitowoc Sunrise Rotary members will host another Veteran's Breakfast at Felician Village at 7am on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The cost is $12 per person. Veterans dine for free. The board has decided to cancel our general meeting for that day so that you and a guest may attend! The cost of your breakfast will be covered by the club!
If you plan to attend, please respond by November 1, 2022 so Deb B. can turn in our reservations. We are looking forward to having breakfast together and honoring those who made so many sacrifices to protect our freedoms by serving our country.
The 30th Annual Hunters Rose Sale is fast approaching. The cost of the rose tickets is $20.00 each. Please let Lori Z. know no later than October 30th if you are interested in purchasing rose tickets and how many you would like. You may pay cash or be billed. Let Lori know your preference. You may also make a donation in lieu of selling roses. Any amount will be accepted. However, the Club cost for a dozen roses is $10.99…just sayin’.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Rose Sale at the Piggly Wiggly from 3:00 - 7:00 pm on both Thursday and Friday, November 17th and 18th. Shifts are one hour long.
Paper signups will be made available at all meetings (for those that prefer the hard copy approach).
District Grant (2022-23): The Peace Pole project at the Two Rivers High School will be dedicated on Thursday, November 17th at 10am. The Club needs help to assemble the planters and benches that will surround the edifice.
Meals on Wheels sign-ups for November 7-11th will be your last chance to volunteer for this program in 2022. Monday, Wednesday and Friday have openings.
Get the Community Back in our Schools. Remember that the capital improvement referendum is on the November 8 election ballot. Additional information is available on the district’s website.
The TR Main Street Wine Walk is on October 28th, a warmup for the next day’s business trick or treat “walk”.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing will take place at Piggly Wiggly Friday, December 16 from 9am - 7pm. A sign up list is coming soon! Kim Henning is the chair for that event.
Diane Johnson is coordinating the Adopt-a-Family 2022 effort.
Exclusive Member Sale: Bands on the Beach Beer. Proceeds will prime the pump for next year’s event. Look for an upcoming communication with details.
October Club Member Birthdays
Stanley Palmer (10/22) 🎂
Jean Andrews (10/28) 🎂
Rotary Anniversaries
Jeff Zimmerlee (17 years) ⚙️
Brian Jensen (29 years) ⚙️
Jim Lester (57 years!) ⚙️
⏭ Next week’s greeter is Chris Eggert-Rosenthal. We'll be welcoming back representatives from Two Rivers Public Schools.
2021-22 Board Members:
President: Michael Ditmer
President-Elect: Tim Schroeder
Secretary: Deborah Brotcke
Treasurer: Jeff Zimmerlee
Past President: Steve Denzien
Members at large: Brenda Georgenson and Kim Henning
President: Michael Ditmer
President-Elect: Tim Schroeder
Secretary: Deborah Brotcke
Treasurer: Jeff Zimmerlee
Past President: Steve Denzien
Members at large: Brenda Georgenson and Kim Henning