November 23, 2021 Meeting Report
Read the latest meeting highlights, including the Two Rivers High School community education survey, the Central Park West 365 Project Concept Plan, the Rose Sale recap and much more!
November is Rotary Foundation month.
Diane J. has made a survey participation request. She informed the Club that a new position has been established aimed at enhancing community connections with our schools. The survey is an important first step to gain input for determining better use of our school’s resources.
Community Education Survey for ALL Community Residents
Today's Program
Michael Ditmer invited Wendy Kozlowski and Nate Kronforst to present the recently approved plan for Central Park (the 365 Project).
The latest iteration of the project, following an extensive planning period, was recently approved by the city council.
Key elements of the Central Park West 365 Project Concept Plan:
- New bandstand, at north end of park
- New concessions/restrooms building, at center of park
- Summer splash pad, center of park
- Winter ice skating pond and loop, south half of park (pond overlays splash pad area)—planned for artificial ice
- Eliminates West Park Street in front of Community House
- New site landscaping and furnishings
Preliminary cost estimate: $1.8 million, including design and construction inspection and a 10 percent contingency.
The "Central Park West 365 Project" is intended to strengthen the role of Central Park as a center of activity in the downtown on a year-round basis, by improving the facilities used for downtown concerts and events and adding new features like a Summer splash pad, outdoor skating rink and concessions/restroom building.
This ambitious project is going to require aggressive fund-raising and grant-seeking by the City, but it represents an important investment in community quality of life and downtown revitalization. The Rotary Club of Two Rivers has committed to support of the project with specific details TBD. A dedicated fundraising initiative is scheduled for this summer.
Club Operations
Volunteer Opportunity. The club is seeking a volunteer to help set up our Wood Type Museum meeting room. Each Monday (4pm or so), in advance of our Tuesday morning meeting, chairs and technology need to be placed to ensure a smooth start to our meetings. Please let Peter C. or Steve D. know of your willingness to help with this aspect of Club service.
Board Meeting. The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Wednesday, November 24.
Foundation Report designates fund recipient and fundraising dinner venue. The Central Park Project is officially named as our recipient of Annual Dinner funds and the Sepia Chapel designated as the dinner venue to be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022. Please consider the opportunity to help make this a successful (and enjoyable) event.
Thank you, Colleen Inman. Rotary's ideal of service is based on the Five Avenues of Service – Club, Vocational, Community, International and New Generations – that comprise Rotary International's philosophical cornerstone. Our Club is grateful for the service to our Club’s operation provided by our leadership. After many years of service as Club Secretary, Colleen Inman has announced plans to step down from this role at the end of December.
Club Secretary opportunity. Colleen stepping down presents an opportunity for others to move into this important role. Detailed instructions and mentorship is available. If you are interested, please let Steve D. know.
President-Elect opportunity. As a reminder, the position of President-Elect is open as well. Steve does not want to be a two-term president. Please consider the opportunity to express the Rotary ideal of service in these roles.
Club Events / Service Opportunities
Signups are provided in the binder
Rose Sale a recap and debrief. Thanks to Lori Z. and to all those that sold and distributed the roses! Between sales and donations, Lori reported net proceeds of $1779.51! The concept of member choice (as to quantity of rose commitment) has worked and will be continued. The few unsold roses, along with member rose donations, were distributed (and brought joy) to residents of the Wisteria House…random acts of kindness!
Sign up early for Meals on Wheels spots (December 20-23 – Mon to Thur).
Girl Scouts Christmas cards project. Lori Z. has contacted area Girl Scout leaders who have expressed enthusiasm for creating “hand-made” Christmas cards as a project for their scouts. They should be ready in plenty of time for delivery with our Christmas week MOWs.
Adopt-a-Family project. Recipient selection (Hope House) and details on the chosen family will be announced on December 1st.
Looking ahead
🍸 Club Social at the Lighthouse Inn. For our Fifth Tuesday (11/30), let’s socialize at the Lighthouse Inn starting at 5pm.
🔔 Bell ringers needed. An event sign-up has been prepared for Salvation Army Bell-Ringing (Friday 12/17). Sign up here.
🎄 It’s beginning to look a bit like Christmas with plans being developed. Your ideas are welcome with a push to a January event noted.
And, looking way ahead. Interest was expressed in resurrecting the idea of a Rotary Float as a highlight of the 2022 Christmas Parade. We can check and see if the Rotary Rose Parade float is available for our local use 😃
District Activities
🙏 Happy “Thankful” Bucks (Member News). The opportunity is given for each member to share their personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week. Jean A. shared news of a successful recovery of her mother-in-laws recent surgery. Accolades were extended for Lori Z.s work in support of Club service as well as general appreciation for our Club’s impact.
🎂 Birthday/Anniversary Report. Birthdays (a prolific month): Dennis Swetlik (11/10); Jim Lester (11/13); Steve Denzien (11/18); Steve Romero (11/18); and Tim Schroeder (11/27) Anniversaries: Lauretta Krcma-Olson (32yrs)
Looking ahead…
Next week’s program is a "5th Tuesday" providing the opportunity for socialization! There will be no morning meeting – plan on gathering at the Lighthouse Inn for libations and fellowship.
Future program idea. Web site primer
Read your Rotarian and Visit our Club’s website…every member, every week.