March 7, 2023 Meeting Report
Meeting Minutes: Rotary Club of Two Rivers
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Location: Cool City Brewing Company and via Zoom
Attendees: Members of the Rotary Club of Two Rivers, Representatives from Two Rivers Elementary Schools, Guest Kiara (?), and Junior Rotarian Justice Cyr.
Meeting Agenda:
- Pledge of Allegiance and 4-Way Test
- Welcome and Announcements
- Acknowledge birthdays and anniversaries
- Program: Two Rivers Schools
- Club Operations
- Club Events and Service Opportunities
- District Activities
- Happy Bucks
- Looking Ahead
Pledge of Allegiance and 4-Way Test: The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-Way Test.
Welcome and Announcements: The president of the club welcomed all the attendees and shared the agenda for the meeting.
Acknowledge birthdays and anniversaries: The club acknowledged the birthdays and anniversaries of its members. Deborah Brotcke and Colleen Inman celebrated their birthdays in March, while Stanley and Elizabeth Palmer celebrated their anniversary on March 22. Lisa Van Lanen also celebrated her third year of joining the club on March 3.
Program: Two Rivers Schools: Chad Bauknecht and Dana McLinn from Two Rivers Elementary Schools were the guest speakers. They explained the new K-8 Language Arts curriculum that emphasizes the science of teaching reading, including automaticity, fluency, comprehension, and the use of authentic leveled texts. This is a new curriculum, and they walked through how teachers introduce and run lessons for students learning how to read at the kindergarten level. They also shared a 4th grade example.
Club Operations: The board had a meeting on February 22, where they approved paying for one student to attend the World Affairs Seminar. The club raised $5722.74 during Salvation Army Bell Ringing, and the board made several excellent suggestions on the draft of the mentoring document. The board approved $500 sponsorship to Wayzgoose 2023, with the stipulation that the club be listed as a sponsor. The club still needs a membership chair, and Deborah & Betty are working on revising the Exit Survey (when members leave the club). The board tabled the request for donations to the Arboretum for bike racks, benches, etc. until they have more information.
Club Events and Service Opportunities: Members were reminded to contribute to the Booze Bin and to submit auction items ($50 minimum) for the upcoming Annual Dinner. The club was also asked to contact potential guests to attend.
District Activities: No district activities were discussed during the meeting.
Happy Bucks: Members were invited to share their happy moments and contribute to Rotary.
Looking Ahead: The next program chair and greeter were announced. Brian Portzen from Painting Pathways will be the speaker on March 14, and District Governor Mike Phillips will be the speaker on March 21. A Club Assembly is scheduled for March 28.
The meeting ended at the scheduled time.