March 28, 2023 Meeting Report
I apologize for the confusion. Here are the meeting minutes rewritten in the format you requested:
- Pledge of Allegiance; 4-way Test
- Welcome (Guests and Junior Rotarians)
- Rotary Foundation Report (Tim)
- Rotary Foundation Treasurer’s Report (Betty & Colleen)
- Discuss Annual Dinner April 1, 2023
- Update from the board (Michael)
- Junior Rotarians (Dennis) (Discuss changing name from Junior Rotarians to Student Representatives)
- 100 seconds or Rotarian History (Wendy)
- Inbound/Outbound exchange update (Dennis)
- World Affairs Seminar (Betty Bittner)
- Upcoming Activities
- 2023-2024 Grant ideas
- 100-year anniversary celebration planning/Ideas (Michael & Wendy)
- Any other items
- Happy Bucks
Meeting Minutes:
The Two Rivers Rotary Club Assembly was held on March 28, 2023. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and 4-way Test. Guests and Junior Rotarians were welcomed to the meeting.
Tim presented the Rotary Foundation Report. Betty and Colleen gave the Rotary Foundation Treasurer’s Report. The Annual Dinner, scheduled for April 1, 2023, was discussed. The dinner will be held at the Courthouse Pub, with setup beginning at 10 am. 68 people have signed up, and the event has raised $3,400 in donations. Name cards created by Wendy will be used, and Hershey's Kisses will be included on each table. A synopsis of Rotary history will be given, recognizing R. Olson, the first woman admitted to membership in 1989. The club also discovered that Rotary started the Two Rivers Rec Club (originally the Boys’ Work Club) and funded half of the band shelter in 1976. Additionally, Rotary supported the change from Mayor to City Management in 1925.
Michael provided an update from the board. Betty Bittner accepted the position of Membership Chair. The board approved a mentoring document to be shared with the group. If someone brings a guest to the club, or someone visits the club, they will be assigned a mentor. The RI Foundation/Paul Harris Giving/Polio Plus Chair position is still vacant. Dennis gave an update on the Junior Rotarians, proposing to change the name to Student Representatives. The selection process was discussed, and some students did not show up to recent meetings. Dennis will check in with Kim about high school and middle school. Students for April and May have been selected, but Dennis is trying to confirm them. Dennis reached out to RI about the use of the term “Junior Rotarian” and was suggested to use “student representative” instead.
Wendy provided a 100-second history of Rotary. Photographs and tchotchkes from the past 100 years will be displayed at the Annual Dinner.
Dennis gave an update on the inbound/outbound exchange program. There are two outbound students, and there are several requirements for vaccinations, which are currently messy. Six or seven outbounds are planned for next year. Brian Dean, the new tourism director for Two Rivers, was an outbound to South America and ended up doing what he did for the Florida government. Plus, his grandfather was president of Rotary in 1945. The club will hold off on further action until the program ramps up.
Betty Bittner gave an update on the World Affairs Seminar. The club has paid for it but is yet to finalize any candidate. The deadline is in June, and the candidate must be between 15 and 18 years old and in sophomore through senior year. A club member suggested a possible student to put forward.
Lori discussed the Easter Bags project, which will include stuffed animals, activity books, puzzles, books, goldfish crackers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and stress balls. The club will make 35 bags for boys and girls.
The Peace Pole Project is almost complete, and the club needs volunteers to help line the planter, put in dirt, and plants as soon as the weather allows. There is a little budget left for plants and soil.
The club discussed 2023-2024 Grant ideas, including a new playground for Neshotah Park this fall, an orchard program, and replacing the old chain-link fence at Xander Park.
The club also discussed planning for the 100-year anniversary celebration, which will resume after this weekend. Wendy and Michael will lead the planning.
The final meeting of the Annual Dinner Committee will be held on March 28 at Bank First.
The club reminded members that Applefest planning must begin in earnest after the Annual Dinner.
Under any other items, members discussed the planning calendar, sign-ups for Meals on Wheels, and the Little Mermaid play update from Diane. Over 40 children were in the play, which will be held on Thursday through Saturday at the high school. The Raider Reporter highlighted 100 years of Rotary on the cover. The club also reminded members to vote on Tuesday, with Wendy running for the school board.
During the meeting, the club discussed whether it could hold the auction on Zoom. However, it was concluded that it is too late to plan it for this year, but it could be a possibility for next year.
Finally, the club ended with the Happy Bucks, with the last chance to fill that bag. $50 of seed money starts the bag, and more money goes into it on the night of the Annual Dinner. The money collected in the bag will go into the auction, and no one knows how much money is in the bag.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 am