March 1, 2022 Meeting Report

Featuring a presentation on the state of education in Two Rivers and much more!

March is Water and Sanitation month


This month's Junior Rotarian is Hannah Bauknecht. Hannah is a “soccer kid” with career aspirations in non-profit law.

Today's Program

Rotary welcomed our community's two elementary school principals, Chad Bauknecht (Magee) and Dana Mclinn (Koenig).
They provided an energetic update on the state of elementary education in Two Rivers. “We are in the business of meeting students where they are at and moving them forward.”
Kids at Hope is a district philosophy that has been embodied in all activities and serves to connect students and teachers. The program has identified three (3) universal truths in the field of child/youth development that support the success of all children without exception.

The Raider Way/Building Matrix creates expectations for behavior (vs. rules): “kids need to know what we expect of them”
Our Club was challenged with an early morning exercise for getting in the zone (zones of regulation) and dealing with it (coping strategies). The process teaches empathy through social and emotional learning techniques.

Club Operations

📰  Check the program schedule for your next chance to contribute to meeting programming.

🏫 PETS training program (this weekend). Michael D. will be in attendance with reflections shared at our next meeting.

🌞 5th Tuesday. This March gives use another "5th Tuesday" opportunity for food/fellowship. What ideas do you have?

🐣 Two Rivers Ecumenical Pantry (TREP) Easter Bag project. Brenda G is providing leadership and has contacted TREP for input.

🗣 Board of Directors Report/Actions. As previously communicated, our fundraising focus will key on the Central Park Renovation project adopting the Skating Loop as our sponsored aspect of the project.    This uses proven synthetic ice configured in a loop skating rink design.   This surface offers the ability to host “any season” events – including a warm weather skating event, if needed. 
Keep your eyes on the prize…
Winter ice skating pond and loop, south half of park (pond overlays splash pad area)—planned for artificial ice
Club Secretary opportunity. Colleen stepping down at the end of December presents an opportunity for others to move into this important role. Detailed instructions and mentorship is available. If you are interested, please let Steve D. know. 🎉 Update: A “divide and conquer” option is available with a division of tasks among a couple of members to make the opportunity more palatable.
President-Elect opportunity. As a reminder, the position of President-Elect is open as well. Steve does not want to be a two-term president.
Please consider the opportunity to express the Rotary ideal of service in both of the above roles.

Club Events / Service Opportunities

🍽 🚗  Meals on Wheels. Next up is March 7-11! An invitation for service has been extended and re-extended. The delivery team is placed with all dates covered. Thanks for all those that take the opportunity to help our community’s most vulnerable.
(Diane J.) Get the Community Back in our Schools. (Diane J.) This is an opportunity for our Club to build student connections. What’s next?
🍕🍔🌮🥗 Annual Dinner. The steering committee provided a report: Ideas for promoting the skating loop are being pursued, including a display of a synthetic "ice" sample and a showing of video of the proposed project. 
Auction Items. A successful auction will form the backbone of our fun and fundraising efforts. As such, each Rotarian is asked to provide an auction item valued at $50 or more. With $450 already in our coffers, we are off to a great start!
There are a number of ways to supply an auction item:  
(1) you can solicit a business for a donation
(2) you can purchase/donate an item
(3) you can provide a service (for example: host a dinner for six at your home)
(4) you can partner with another Rotarian
Auction items do not need to be a ‘basket’ but we ask that the action item is ready for display. For example, if you are offering a dinner for 6 at your home, provide a typed sheet of paper describing the dinner and what is included. 
In addition to the auction item, we ask that each Rotarian provide a bottle of liquor, wine or 6 pack of craft beer for the Booze Bin Raffle. 
For those collecting donations, please have all items collected and given to Colleen or Brenda by March 19th.  No late items will be accepted.
Colleen has created a list of people/businesses from whom we are soliciting donations. Let Colleen know who you are contacting so that we can avoid multiple people asking the same business for a donation!
Colleen has also developed an information sheet regarding how the proceeds of the event will be used and club specifics, which you can provide to people who donate.

Looking Ahead...

District Grants. We will finalize completion plans for the grant for 2021-22. Pictures and the report will be finalized this week. Planning for the 2022-23 district grant will begin and will be tailored to a theme to be determined.
World Affairs Seminar Reimagining Global Health and Wellness: Contagious Ideas will be held on Saturday, June 18 – Friday, June 24, 2022  Promote World Affairs Seminar information at the high school. There is one student with interest at this time.  
Promote the Rotary Club of Two Rivers Scholarship at the high school.  Our intent is to offer multiple scholarships for technical college education to phase out this program’s funding. Thanks to Stanley P. for coordinating this program and to Brenda G. for helping “judge” the applicants. The application deadline is April 13th with judging and awarding to follow.
And, looking way ahead. Interest was expressed in resurrecting the idea of a Rotary Float as a highlight of the 2022 Christmas Parade. This would be a fine idea to kick off our Club’s Centennial Year! We can check and see if the Rotary Rose Parade float is available for our local use 🎅🏻 🎄

District Activities

🏛  PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) March 4-6 live in Chicago.
⚙️  TriCon 2022 in Elkhart Lake April 29-30. Hurry! Early Bird Registration for District Rotary Conference ended March 1.
💵. Happy Bucks. Colleen (and Rick) are in Florida and recently broke bread with Deb/Jim in the Tampa area.  Lisa added her Anniversary dollars. A number of members shared their appreciation bucks for the work of the Club and our schools.
Birthday and Anniversary Report
Deborah Brotcke (3/1)  🎂
Brian Jensen (3/14) 🎂
Colleen Inman (3/27) 🎂
Lisa VanLanen (2 years) ⚙️
Steve Denzien (an amazing 3 years) ⚙️
Next week’s Program Chair is Jerry Juckem