June 7, 2022 Meeting Report
Today's guest speaker was Jim McDonald, City Engineer and Public Works Director.
June is Rotary Fellowships Month
Check presentation for Central Park West Project. At the June 20th City Council meeting, our club will present a check representing our first installment of financial support for the Central Park West project. Members are encouraged to attend and bask in the recognition.
Changing of the Guard Plans. Plans are being formulated for a mid-July event at the Neshotah Park shelter to celebrate the change of Club officers.
Today's Program
Today's featured speaker is Jim McDonald, City Engineer and Public Works Director for the City of Two Rivers
Jim began his presentation by sharing the recent announcement of his upcoming retirement after 15 years at the helm. He proceeded to reflect on and highlight his work. “The time is right to rewrite and review the role/responsibilities of this position,” he said
His role includes:
- Serving as a “guide” on a number of committees that provide input for city governance of key public services
- Overseeing the treatment plant system (wastewater/sewage) and keeping things running efficiently
- Managing other related utilities (a catchall) such as
- Solid waste (garbage/recycle)
- Storm water collection and discharge
- Shoreline stabilization
- Landfill remediation
Last, but not least, Jim described Public Works as the most “fun” you can have. He gets to work with functional toys ranging from sewer suckers to end loaders to dump trucks to plows and the big “snow blowers.”
This department also has responsibilities for street repairs/construction, storm cleanup, and trail design/construction.
Club Operations
📰 Check the program schedule for your next chance to contribute to meeting programming. You can find the program schedule on the home page of the website in the downloads section toward the bottom of the page. (Direct link to the program schedule)
📀 Rotary Club digital repository. The committee heading up electronic document storage is scheduled to meet and discuss an inventory along with how to structure the folders to that materials may be easily found within the coming week.
Club Secretary opportunity. After many years of service as Club Secretary, Colleen Inman has announced plans to step down from this role. Detailed instructions and mentorship is available. Deb B. has declared her interest to partner with another member in this role. Deb and Colleen have been meeting to ensure a smooth transition of power. However, we still need one more volunteer to work with Deb. Please consider the opportunity to express the Rotary ideal of service in the above role, soon!
Club Events / Service Opportunities
🎉 Sister City Celebration/Event The June 1st concert/vending debrief was provided by Jean A. We sold “100 bottles of beer” (actually 101) with receipts totaling $311.72. Jean has the remaining bottles in her beer cave and needs help in their redistribution. Perhaps the leftovers can be sold at the upcoming June 29th social? The Club received kudos for our financial support of housing.
🍽 🚗 Meals on Wheels, July 11th-15th with signups now available. Thanks to all of those who have stepped up to serve our community’s most vulnerable citizens
💰 District Grant (2022-23) Our winning concept is for a
Peace Pole project at the Two Rivers High School. Upon completion, the location will invite students to gather, reflect, and find peace. The idea will also be part of a larger Rotary peace initiative. Rotary funds, Club labor and student artistic contributions will be needed to complete this project. The project will be related to having Two Rivers being designated an
International City of Peace (there are no others in Wisconsin). The June 1st grant application deadline was met with the application filed, so now we play the waiting game.
🤝 The Lakeshore Club President’s Meeting reflected our leadership's desire for additional social interaction between area Rotary Clubs. First up, a Joint Picnic has been scheduled for June 29. Michael D. answered the bell to help our Club join in this social gathering and a planning meeting was scheduled. Details and a signup form will be available soon. It is looking like a Lincoln Park venue with timing of 5-8pm. This is a great chance to socialize with our fellow Lakeshore Rotarians (and help polish off the rest of the Czechvar).
🎸 🏖 Bands on the Beach 2022 The Club will participate at just one event. The new process and schedule remain to be defined.
🍎 Applefest 2022 is scheduled for October 8th. The Lions Club wishes to transfer “ownership” and control of this annual event to another community organization.
- Gerald Schmidt, from the Lions Club, has agreed to serve as our Club’s tutor as well as providing access to the needed equipment.
- Erin G. has stepped up to provide leadership for our Club … Thank you!
- Three (3) meetings have been held thus far with vendors (food/craft/apple) and invitations have been sent
- The next planning meeting is scheduled for June 15th at the Fire House
- A website and Facebook Page are ready to launch
- Interested members are encouraged to engage to make this a success in 2022 and beyond
Looking Ahead...
🌎 World Affairs Seminar Reimagining Global Health and Wellness: Contagious Ideas will be held on Saturday, June 18 – Friday, June 24, 2022
Promote World Affairs Seminar information at the high school. There is one student with interest at this time. A members suggested that we reach out to the returning Europe trip kids as a natural fit for this Seminar.
🎓 Promote the Rotary Club of Two Rivers Scholarship at the high school. Two (2) worthy recipients have been awarded $1000 scholarships: one seeking EMT training and the other training in cybersecurity. They will receive their scholarships at a May 25th ceremony. The Club will welcome the students on June 14 at which the actual checks will be given to the students and will be sent on to LTC. We need a big crowd for this meeting!
And, looking way ahead. Interest was expressed in resurrecting the idea of a Rotary Float as a highlight of the 2022 Christmas Parade. This would be a fine idea to kick off our Club’s Centennial Year! We can check and see if the Rotary Rose Parade float is available for our local use 🎅🏻 🎄
District Activities
💵. Happy Bucks gives us the opportunity for each member to share their personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week.
- A multitude of thankful announcements were shared from Chris E-R’s upcoming church camp experience to Deb B.’s grant gratitude to Colleen I.’s celebration of good health
Birthday and Anniversary Report
Kim Henning (6/14) 🎂
Dennis Swetlik (43 years) ⚙️
Brenda Georgenson (8 years) ⚙️
⏭ Next week’s program leader will be Lisa Van Lanen
2021-22 Board Members:
President: Steve Denzien
President-Elect: Michael Ditmer
Secretary: Colleen Inman
Treasurer: Jeff Zimmerlee
Past President: Betty Bittner
Members at large: Betty Bittner, Jeff Zimmerlee, Steve Romero