June 1, 2021 Meeting Highlights
Our June meeting featured City of Two Rivers Water Utility Director Ross Blaha. Ross is celebrating 32 years at the helm and his birthday with us today! His charge is to monitor and maintain a safe water supply for the residents and businesses of Two Rivers.
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Business Meeting Agenda for June 1st, 2021
June is Rotary Fellowships Month. 2020-21 RI President Holger Knaack – using the Theme, Rotary Opens Opportunities, encourages Rotarians to seize the many opportunities Rotary offers to enrich their lives and the communities they serve Craig Burnett is our District Governor 2020-2021
Pledge of Allegiance; 4-way Test recited collectively.
(Betty B.) Today’s Greeter – First come, first served. (Designated greeters will have the responsibility to share a warm welcome to kick off each meeting.)
(Betty B.) Welcome/Announcements – Detailed Zoom instructions/tutorial have been provided on our web site. This week we had 15 in attendance. “Very nice!”
A warm welcome was extended to Jessi Crowe – owner of Fatso’s, community supporter, and potential new member of the Rotary Club of Two Rivers!
(Betty B.) Happy Bucks (Quips and Quotes) - The opportunity is given (once again) for each member to share their personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week – i.e. Happy Bucks. Please participate by both sharing “verbally” and noting your “donation” in the Zoom chat area for Jeff Z.
Today's Program
Water, water everywhere…
(Betty B.) Program: City of Two Rivers: Ross Blaha, Water Utility Director. Ross is celebrating 32 years at the helm and his birthday with us today! His charge is to monitor and maintain a safe water supply for the residents and businesses of Two Rivers.
The Water Utility Division of the City of Two Rivers is responsible for the following:
- Operate Water Ultrafiltration Facility
- Operate Water Distribution System, including two elevated storage reservoirs (water towers) and a high lift pumping station and reservoir serving a second pressure zone
- Install & Remove Meters
- Turn services on and off
- Exercise Valves and Flush Hydrants
- Perform Fire Flow Tests
- Operate Laboratory
- Cross connection inspections and record maintenance
- Meter testing, maintenance and change-outs.
- Provide Reporting to WDNR / PSC / EPA
- Diggers Hotline Locates for Water, Sanitary and Storm Utilities
Ross described the procedures and processes used to ensure that every single drop of water meets/exceeds DNR requirements. He highlighted ongoing efforts to “get the lead out” of our laterals, noting that $2,500 grant support (of the $8,000 total cost) is still available to homeowners supporting the remediation process. The city has also upgraded the ultrafiltration system to increase operational efficiency. This is part of the utility’s effort for cost-effectiveness.
Member News
(Betty B.) Member news…
- Todd N. joined the ranks of the fully vaccinated.
- The Schroeder’s celebrated a walk off Brewer win – live and “in-person”
- Betty’s week with her 3 grandsons was celebrated along with her 45th wedding anniversary
- Lisa V. will be attending today’s Painting Pathways ribbon cutting…acknowledging our Club’s recent $12,000 donation and ongoing support.
Did you know? Contact Betty if you need a current Chamber member card. As a member of our Club, you are entitled to fabulous discounts and services.
(Betty B.) Restoring “in person” meetings - The time has come for us to determine "rules of engagement" for resuming live "in-person" meetings at the Lighthouse Inn. A hybrid meeting format, combining in-person with distance technology capabilities, has been encouraged by District leadership.
While support for a 7:30am time change has been expressed, other venues are being considered.The leader at the moment appears to be the Wood Type & Printing Museum. Issues, however, remain to be resolved. Junior Rotarian participation in the fall and testing of AV technology to facilitate remote participation by speakers and members. Thanks to our technology crew for the technology testing/vetting being conducted. Truly a work in progress…A test of the Woodtype venue and technology will be conducted this week with a date set for full “rollout” in the near future.
We are also considering one outside meeting each month (probably just the warmer months) featuring the courtyard at the Cobblestone Inn. We were provided a report from the “drink with Michael” event. A hearty thanks to this intrepid group for their investigation involving food/drink and socialization opportunities afforded by the Inn.
Quite a bit to consider – from arranging meals/time/venue to program technology. Stay tuned and engaged!
(Betty B.) Board of Directors Report/Actions...open agenda items include recommendations for technology upgrades to enable in person meetings, fundraising and the arboretum grant. Review of Wednesday’s meeting...with discussion dominated by this summer’s slate of Rotary supported events. A listing, with volunteer opportunities/dates, will be distributed in the next week.
(Betty B.) Review of the “Drink with Michael” socialization event…possibilities for a monthly venue. The few, the brave…the facility was given the green light to host future social events.
(Betty B.) Changing of the Guard on June 29th – evening meeting at the Andrew's homestead - 3207 Adams Street and, yes, this coincides with a 5th Tuesday.
(Betty B.) District Grant 2021 planning – a strong application has been submitted …keeping our “winning” streak going. Grant criteria focus on environmental, humanitarian and educational aspects for any potential project. The Arboretum concept certainly reflects this preference. We are asking for the maximum $3000 grant…our Club has committed to picking up the tab for the remainder of the $4600 project cost. Project details will include assembling a tunnel habitat and associated plantings by members of our Club. All Club members are encouraged to join in the effort to advance the project.
(Betty B.) 2021 “Spring Fundraising” planning will be shifted to focus on conducting our Dinner/Auction this fall.
Meanwhile, our Club will be concentrating fundraising activities around this summer’s community events.First up – Volleyball on the Beach (July 16th and 17th) to be followed by the real coup of the summer - our selection as sole beverage vendor for this year’s Celebrate TR on August 28th.Two tents and good Club participation will be needed for this one. These activities will be supplemented by our participation as beverage vendor for this year’s Bands on the Beach festivities.All of these activities have been critical in raising funds in support of our Club’s programs.
(Betty B.) Road Rally Reprise: Let the planning begin…a “Fall 2021” event is in the works…let Jean A. know if you are interested in being a planning part of this tour de force. Second planning meeting was held May 26th – all three area Clubs will be participating in this event.
An autumn Saturday is being considered to minimize potential Packer conflicts…with Saturday, October 2nd OR Saturday, October 9th being held. Plans will also include a dinner at the end point of the Rally.
(Betty B.) Beach Volleyball Tourney plans – this is our baby with responsibilities for concessions – food and drink. This is a 3 day commitment (really 2.5) – July 16, 17, 18. Planning has started, however, our Club is still seeking a point person to herd the cats. Michael D. has volunteered to share in the leadership…please consider the opportunity to help. There is a planning meeting, in concert with the Manitowoc Sunrise Club, scheduled for next week.
(Betty B.) Scholarship recipients…The 2021 award has two (2) $1000 winners providing a satisfying end to the search. Both recipients are committed to their field of study – one at LTC for fire/EMT training and another at NWTC in nursing. Stanley P. represented our Club last Wednesday at the award ceremony…extolling the virtues of our Club in addition to the two winners. We look forward to meeting the recipients at an upcoming meeting to hear their stories and plans and, yes…to present the check. Thanks to Stanley P. and esteemed panel of judges for their time/expertise!
(Betty B.) Committee Structure “resurrection”… A structure involving “chair(s)” in each area of activity is being considered. This would replace previously used “standing” committees.Each activity (i.e. Dinner/Auction, Senior Luncheon, Bands on the Beach, Adopt a Family, etc.) would be accompanied by an instruction manual outlining tasks/timeline. Areas of activity will be identified over the next couple of weeks and shared with Club membership.Each area of activity will have resource material in a turnkey toolkit.
(Betty B.) Looking ahead…
- Changing of the Guard on June 29th – evening meeting at the Rotary Pavilion
- Solicit board members/officers for 2021-22
- Donation of two bicycles for the Optimists Bike Giveaway
(Betty B.) District Activities –
- Opportunity 2021 joint district conference…all programs will be available for viewing on the District’s You Tube channel…with links on our site with Rotary International President Holger Knaack's Opening Remarks, https://youtu.be/KhrDqGJs3uQ, Past District Governor Bill Gormont’s Magic of Rotary https://youtu.be/Sz8DVgHlqWA, and more.
- RI 2021 Virtual Convention…registration is open
(Betty B.) Lisa Van Lanen is working to maintain our Facebook social media presence. She has requested input for content – our message and ways to improve, engage, support and promote the Rotary Club of Two Rivers using social media. Please share your pictures of Rotarians in Action! Look for the posts (like and share) from the June 1st Painting Pathways open house. We are also reminded to “like, comment, and share” posts.
(Betty B.) COVID actions:
- While RI is apolitical, we are urged to follow the actions that science lays out…promoting vaccine uptake and other preventative measures.
- Tips for conducting/improving meetings at the Club level. District suggestions/strategies…program chairs are now being listed 4-6 weeks out on our site and eBulletin (in addition to a link on our site).
- Please inform our Club of any personal needs as we strive to maintain our connections – caring for each other and our community…and get vaccinated when it’s your turn.
- Meeting Programs … One of the "silver linings" with our virtual meeting experience has been the expanded variety of speakers and programming offered. As such, the capability of offering remote speakers/programming is being considered for integration into our portfolio of programming options.
- Please devote some thought to possible programming to keep our meetings informative AND let Betty/Brian know in advance. When considering your topic, remember – we have the world at our fingertips. Next week –
(Betty B.) Event Sign-up – Please note program assignments and greeter assignments for 2021 are posted (online)…in addition to a personalized notification accompanying your eBulletin!
(Betty B.) Reminder: Read your Rotarian and Visit our Club’s website…every member, every week. Meeting responsibilities have been added to the site and reported out individually with your weekly eBulletin. Have you registered for myrotary.org?
(Betty B.) Birthday/Anniversary Report: Birthdays – Kim Henning (6/14) Anniversaries – Dennis Swetlik (42 years); Brenda Georgenson (7 years)