January 3, 2023 Meeting Report

Club Assembly means a fresh start for the new year. In this meeting summary, we cover the various opportunities to serve the community, region and world through our Club's activities.

Welcome (Guests and Junior Rotarians)

Junior Rotarian Cameron Sayeski, is a youth apprentice at Parker Hanefin, goes to work at 10, and then attends school at 11. He plays basketball and builds metal and wood signs that are on sale at Schroeder’s. He will come to the rest of our meetings this month. 

Rotary Foundation Report (Tim)

Jim Lester agreed to be on the Foundation Board and Lisa agreed to be the secretary, filling Brian’s position.  The current focus is on the upcoming Annual Dinner, scheduled for May 25 at Sepia Chapel.  Proceeds will go toward our commitment to the 365 Project. Recently, the board recommended a $500 donation each to The Haven and Hope House.  The focus of the next Foundation Board meeting is the annual dinner.  The meeting is Thursday, January 5 at 4pm at Bank First.  Any member interested in joining the annual dinner committee are welcome to attend.

Rotary Foundation Treasurer’s Report

Betty Bittner reported there is $2731.35 in the foundation account.  Sepia Chapel received $750 for saving the date for the annual dinner.  Two donations of $1000 were given to Simply Manitowoc Warming Shelter which has been recently overwhelmed with guests.  Betty requested everyone begin thinking about auction items for the Annual Dinner.
A special shout out to Jean, Curt, Barry and Gina for welcoming us to their facility! The space is still somewhat echoing but they will soon have sound baffles installed to reduce the effect. Michael encouraged everyone to enjoy a little social time in advance of the meeting. Dennis suggested we purchase coffee for guest speakers and our junior Rotarian.

Update from the board

  • Board roles
    •  Dennis as president-elect nominated.
    • July: Deb as secretary is willing to continue. Jeff as treasurer, willing to continue.
    • All three nominated and unanimously approved.
  • PETS training: president-elect pre-training is coming up Feb 4th, Saturday in West Bend. Training is in Chicago Mar 3-5.
    • Michael invited anyone interested to be nominated as the president for 2023/2024 designate so that we can get in front of things. 
  • Membership Chair needed. Responsibilities include a plan for recruiting members, developing a checklist for mentors and new members, ordering shirts, and appointing mentors for new members. Jim Lester suggested we need a written plan on recruitment (which is available on Rotary International) and an organized membership chair. Goal:  Develop New Member Checklist for Mentors and New Members and find a Membership Chair.
  • RI Foundation/Paul Harris Giving/Polio Plus Chair needed. The club is still looking for someone to head this up. Jim was asked to share what’s entailed. He reported the main thing to do is ask members if they will contribute, particularly new members. This is usually on the agenda for new members but it is usually a 1:1. 
    • Many donate through the club but if you donate outside the Club, please use your Rotary number so that the Club gets credit.
    • We should have the district chair come and speak to us (Don Griffing). 
  • Junior Rotarians – How are they selected? Develop a handout for participating students
    • It was suggested the name be changed to Student Rotarians? 

Inbound/Outbound exchange

  • For many years, we had a very successful program where we’d sponsor up to 3 outbound as well as inbound students. Difficulty was finding a host family. Before they come, Visa must show where they are going.
  • Both deadlines missed this year
  • Should we offer an outbound opportunity? Dennis suggested that junior year is a better time to go, building greater maturity. Cost for a family is about $8-10K out of pocket but your child isn’t living at home so you’re not paying for them at home. Club has subsidized $2K back when our Club was sponsoring.
  • Are we interested in pursuing this work, Michael asks. Jim suggested that if we can’t find a chairman we shouldn’t do it. 
  • Parents don’t have to be Rotarians. The club does not have to do both inbound and outbound. No decision reached.

World Affairs Seminar (Betty Bittner)

  • Every year we sponsor one student to go to this seminar.  Students engage in problem-based learning in an adult think tank environment for one week. 
  • What is the deadline to apply? The seminar takes place June 24 and 25th at Carrol College and this year’s theme is Climate Change: Youth Take Action. A number of scholarships are available and this information needs to be shared with Two Rivers High School. 
  • Is Betty still the chairperson? For the chair, the big job is to find interest and find a student. 
  • We should get the person we sent last year to come and speak to the Club. Could we make it work next week?
  • Who was the student we sent? 
  • Currently we don’t have a speaker for next week?

Planning Calendar

  • Colleen updated members on the planning calendar that looks forward a couple of months. This enables the club to be proactive in engaging in/planning  upcoming projects. Deborah will send list of current committees and chairs.

Upcoming Activities

  • Betty reminded members that Sunday Supper is Feb 5 at St. Peter the Fisherman. The committee needs 5-6 volunteers to help cook and serve, and a dishwasher. The meal is served at 6pm to 40-50 people. 
  • Easter Bags Apr 9. Get list of students from TREP about 2 months in advance. Lori is chairing this year.
  • 2023-2024 Grant ideas. To serve, you must go through training. 
  • 100-year anniversary celebration planning. Michael will take this work on. He will mail out a date for people to meet. Jim suggested looking back at what we used for the 75th anniversary.