January 11, 2022 Meeting Report
Read the latest meeting highlights, featuring a presentation from Tim Engh, the principal of Two Rivers High School and much more!
January is Vocational Service Month
Brian Gallagher is our Chair this week. He invited Tim Engh representing Two Rivers High School. A “state of the high school” report was presented to our Club.
Today's Program
Recent developments in the presentation from Tim Engh included:
- Rising Phoenix program – facilitates concurrent completion of degrees in conjunction with UW-Green Bay. Twelve students participated in the first cohort with the second cohort now convening for next year. Sponsorships are being made available to offset student program costs.
- ACT Prep program – as a predictor of college success, this program was developed to address lagging test performance. Through the use of weekly meetings, students are first prepared for practice examinations followed with targeted remediation of weaknesses identified. Positive early results have been noted.
- PBIS program – used to both teach and apply desired social behaviors at the high school level. The program is focused on specific high school actions and values using monthly “assemblies” to build ownership. An example of a targeted topic included “giving” with application to peers, staff and the community at large.
- Raider Manufacturing – tech education applications with local business connections. The eventual goal is establish an actual store-front business on our main street to nurture an entrepreneurial spirit.
These programs and others have been created to lift up stellar students while providing opportunities for disadvantaged students to break the poverty cycle.
Club Operations
💻 Virtual format. Our return to the virtual meeting format was timely, considering the deep freeze.
📰 Program chair update. Colleen is preparing an updated schedule for program chair responsibilities and should be posted on our site shortly with weekly reminders to prompt our attention.
📆 Club Holiday Social. A brief debrief of our Holiday Club Social on January 6th, 2022. The few, the brave…gathered virtually for fellowship and laughter. 😁
🗣 Board of Directors Report/Actions. Next meeting is in 2 weeks. The Club’s Foundation will meet on January 20th.
Items of Note from the Board of Directors
Foundation Report. The Central Park Project is officially named as our recipient of Annual Dinner funds and the Sepia Chapel designated as the dinner venue to be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022. Please consider the opportunity to help make this a successful (and enjoyable) event. Rotary fundraising guidance is being provided from the District level.
Club Secretary opportunity. Colleen stepping down at the end of December presents an opportunity for others to move into this important role. Detailed instructions and mentorship is available. If you are interested, please let Steve D. know. Update: A “divide and conquer” option is available with a division of tasks among a couple of members to make the opportunity more palatable.
President-Elect opportunity. As a reminder, the position of President-Elect is open as well. Steve does not want to be a two-term president.
Please consider the opportunity to express the Rotary ideal of service in both of the above roles.
Club Events / Service Opportunities
Meals on Wheels. January 31st – February 4th Mon-Fri. The invitation has been sent with signups available on-line.
(Diane J.) Get the Community Back in our Schools. This program is an opportunity for our Club to build student connections. The first opportunity is a Community Education Connection program on February 3, 2022. The event will be held at the TRHS and will include a light dinner starting at 5:30 pm followed by a program and panel discussion. The program is titled: Resilience: the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope. RSVP links have been provided
🍕🍔🌮🥗 Annual Dinner. Let the planning begin! A call to action has been issued. The process used for the dinner is well-defined and honed – tried and true. All that is needed are the volunteers to put the process in motion and energize the effort. A meeting is planned within the next week… please consider the opportunity and let Steve or Betty know of your interest.
💵 Happy Bucks! Each week, club members can share their "personal quips and quotes" about experiences in exchange for a Happy Bucks contribution. There were no Happy Bucks contributions this week
Looking Ahead...
District Grants. We will finalize completion plans for the grant for 2021-22 and will begin planning for 2022-23.
World Affairs Seminar information will be delivered to the high school.
And, looking way ahead. Interest was expressed in resurrecting the idea of a Rotary Float as a highlight of the 2022 Christmas Parade. This would be a fine idea to kick off our Club’s Centennial Year! We can check and see if the Rotary Rose Parade float is available for our local use 🎅🏻 🎄
Next week's program chair. Dan Gray is our Chair. He will give an update on when pitchers and catchers report. Kim Henning will be the Chair for the January 25 meeting.
Birthday and Anniversary Report
Chris Eggert-Rosenthal, January 11 🎂
Erin Gonnerman, January 13 🎂
Tom Czerwonka, 42 years 💍
Colleen Inman, 19 years 💍
Michael Ditmer, 5 years 💍
Steve Romero, 5 years 💍