August 2, 2022 Meeting Report

Today's program featured a talk by Barry Nelson of the Manitowoc Noon Rotary Club on his recent work to ferry Ukranian refugees to the safety of Poland.

August is Membership and Extension Month


This morning, we welcomed guest and prospective member Mike Mathis, Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Two Rivers.
The Greeter role is being revived. A new schedule will soon be distributed. Plan on this responsibility the week before your turn as program chair.
Central Park 365 Project Update.  Wendy Brandt expressed appreciation for the recent $58,000 donation our Club provided in support of the Ice Skating Loop portion of the project. Overall, private donations are nearing the $800,000 target of the $1.6 million project.  Ground breaking commences immediately following Applefest with completion planned in time for the 2023 Car Cruise in June. Don’t worry, we’ve been assured that Central Park will remain intact for the 2022 Applefest use!
Stay tuned for Club Specific goals to be revealed at upcoming meetings.


Today's Program

Jeff Zimmerlee invited Barry Nelson to talk about his time over in Ukraine.  
Barry is a retired Master Sargeant and a member of the Manitowoc Noon Rotary Club.  Exemplifying the statement, “Rotarians are people of action”, he shared his journey from Poland to the Ukrainian border (and beyond) and back again.  
His military training – stay calm and work the problem – was put to the test as he ferried Ukrainian refugees from the border to shelter in Poland returning with supplies back to the border.  
Personal and mission growth helped to shape strategies to raise funding for this “ferry” service.
Barry noted that the Ukrainian will to fight is strong and will sustain their hopes and dreams, however, world support is needed to carry the outcome.  The mission and its impact continues….
For additional information, visit the Wisconsin Ukranian website.


Club Operations

📰  Check the program schedule for your next chance to contribute to meeting programming. An email communication will be sent to all member listing the program schedule with plans to send out specific chair responsibilities monthly.

Board of Directors Report/Actions. Of note, the Club is looking for two (2) members for the Board. These include an “at large” member and a "place holder" for the President-elect position on the board. The board meets the 4th Wednesday of each month and provides the opportunity to both better understand and impact the activities of our Club.
  • Update: The board has given formal approval to Tim Schroeder for agreeing to fill the President-Elect position. Thanks Tim!
  • Update: Chris Eggert-Rosenthal has agreed to serve and been approved as our Club as a Foundation Board member. Thanks Chris!
Changing of the Guard Picnic – This was a “cool” event with 22 in attendance. Kudos to Colleen for her leadership (and food)!
Rotary Storage Unit – Recognizing the growing cache of stuff that our Club is collecting, plans are percolating for procuring a storage locker. A suitable 10 x 15 unit has been located at Garage Door Specialty on Hwy 147 and needs action. Security and access to the unit has been defined with four (4) individuals given keys with a spare key stored at the Fire Department..


Club Events / Service Opportunities

🍽 🚗  Meals on Wheels, August 22nd-26th.  An invitation has been sent with sign ups available on line.
✏️ Annual School Supply Drive. A list of needs has been provided by Two Rivers Ecumenical Pantry. Thanks to Lori Z. for leading the charge!

💰 District Grant (2022-23) Our winning concept is for a Peace Pole project at the Two Rivers High School.  Upon completion, this will allow students to gather, reflect, and find peace and will be part of a larger Rotary peace initiative.  Rotary funds, Club labor and student artistic contributions will be needed to complete this project.   We are aiming for a completion by the end of August to allow for a dedication with the start of the academic year.  The “slab” base is being poured this week with site preparation work being provided as a donation from Green Acres. Please contact Betty B. if you have an interest in helping.  Planning meetings are ongoing.
Get the Community Back in our Schools – an opportunity for our Club to build student connections. The “Reporter” newsletter is looking for Club news to add in its next edition. Our Club’s Foundation approved the donation of $1000 to the School’s Angel Fund in support of student needs.  This was supplemented by an additional $629, representing the remaining Scholarship account funds
🎸 🏖 Bands on the Beach 2022  Online signups for members are active. Upcoming dates include 7/31; 8/6; 8/14; 8/21 and 8/27.  We've collected $1,850 in net proceeds from this summer’s events.  We have also accepted the opportunity to provide the beverage concession at the City’s 9/10 community fireworks event. Please consider the opportunity to share the positive vibes of this event, both helping and enjoying.
🍎 Applefest 2022 Thank you to Erin G. who has stepped up to provide leadership for our Club. This year’s event is scheduled for October 8th with big plans for future growth going forward.  
  • Multiple meetings have been held thus far with vendor (food/craft/apple) invitations sent and a good response noted.  
  • Meetings continue at the Fire House with a logistics focus taking the stage.  
  • An Applefest website has been launched to help promote the event.
  •  Interested members are encouraged to engage to make this a success in 2022 and beyond!  This is an “all hands on deck” event, so clear your calendar!


Looking Ahead...

🛟 Annual Steak Fry (August 30th) at the Manitowoc Yacht Club.  The $25 cost includes steak and all the 'fixins.  A dish to pass will help to round out the meal.  Online signups are available.
And, looking way ahead. Interest was expressed in creating a Rotary Float as a highlight of the 2022 Christmas Parade. This would be a fine idea to kick off our Club’s Centennial Year! While float production might be a bit of a stretch, a cool car entry would suffice. 🎅🏻 🎄
💵. Happy Bucks gives us the opportunity for each member to share their personal “quips and quotes” of experiences over the past week.
  • Multiple members donated to Barry’s Ukrainian mission work with today’s take dedicated to his efforts.
Birthday and Anniversary Report

Brenda Georgenson 8/19 🎂

Diane Johnson (8/26) 🎂

Tim Schroeder  (26 years) ⚙️

Diane Johnson (1 year) ⚙️

Erin Gonnerman (2 years) ⚙️

  Next week’s program features a City of Two Rivers presentation. Mike Mathis will talk about his Park and Rec Department plans. 

2021-22 Board Members:
President: Michael Ditmer
President-Elect: Tim Schroeder
Secretary: Deborah Brotcke
Treasurer: Jeff Zimmerlee
Past President: Steve Denzien
Members at large: Brenda Georgenson and one additional spot (maybe you?)